Weekly Worship Playlist

Songs of Redemption and Hope
This week, we lift our voices in gratitude for the salvation, love, and faithfulness of our God. Let these songs remind us of His goodness and steadfast presence in our lives.
Wednesday Evening (2/5): Rejoice in salvation with "Heaven Came Down," celebrate belonging to Christ with "Now I Belong to Jesus," and reflect on the power of His name with "There’s Something About That Name."
Sunday Morning (2/9): Proclaim the beauty of the gospel with "The Gospel Song," seek the fountain of grace with "Come Thou Fount," stand in awe of "The Love of God," and find rest in His presence with "Psalm 84 (I’m Home)."
Sunday Evening (2/9): Trust in His promises with "My Soul Will Wait (Psalm 62)," stand firm on Christ with "The Solid Rock," magnify His greatness with "How Great (Psalm 145)," and rejoice in His unchanging nature with "Great Is Thy Faithfulness."
Come and worship the Lord who redeems, sustains, and never fails!